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What Would You Do to Acquire a Treasure?

Treasure self help

While the world offers a limited kind of happiness, if we are sincere and have the courage to let go of what is not good for us, we can conquer and maintain the most valuable asset.

We always make sacrifices for things we consider valuable. Some people sacrifice time with their families to get a degree, leisure time to work, to conquer their financial goals, or anything else needed to achieve something they believe could bring them happiness and stability. The question is, what sacrifice would you make for a priceless treasure?

The Lord Jesus shared a parable about a man’s willingness to obtain such a treasure. In Matthew 13:44, it says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

In the Holy Bible with the personal commentary by Bishop Edir Macedo, Bishop questions what would have been the value paid for this field and what would be the cost to enter the Kingdom of Heaven: “To have an idea of the price of the ‘ticket’ to the Kingdom of Heaven, we must first understand the sacrifice the Lord made to give us the right to enter His Kingdom. The Bible says that we were bought at a price (1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23). What was that price? The price paid by the Lord Jesus was His Own life, that is, the life of the Son of God for the life of wicked, unjust and ungrateful sinners… We could say that the Lord Jesus gave His Own soul in exchange for our soul. To save us, the Son of God had to pay a heavy price.”

This parable illustrates that to achieve true happiness and eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to let go of worldly, material, and temporary things. This is made possible by the perfect sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made on the Cross. However, it’s not enough to just find this treasure and hide it. We must have the courage to let go of everything, especially our weaknesses and masks, so that we can conquer and keep this priceless treasure – which is the Holy Spirit – within us.

At the Universal Church, we will have a special meeting exclusively for women where we will discuss this and many other important subjects in light of the Word of God. Join us at our next Godlywood Self-Help meeting on Saturday, 5 October at 3pm, at the Cathedral of Miracles. Branches outside London will join via conference. Don’t miss it!

Event: Godlywood Self-Help meeting
Date and Time: Saturday, 5 October, at 3pm
Location: Cathedral of Miracles, Finsbury Park (outside London via conference)


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