By ticking the ‘Yes’ box, you hereby consent to UCKG processing your Gift Aid Declaration as a UK taxpayer and placing your information its computerised Data Management System. The UCKG Gift Aid Department is responsible for the storage of your consented data and is solely authorised for processing your data. UCKG intends to keep your data on its Data Management System for a period of 6 years from the date of this declaration as instructed by HMRC and/or otherwise governed by law. If at any time there are significant changes to what may have been disclosed on the consented form, we would advise you to inform the Gift Aid Department at your earliest convenience. UCKG uses technical and organisational measures to keep your data safe and ensure that it is accessed only by its authorised personnel. No communication of your data will occur without your prior consent. Your data will not be passed to third parties nor used to define profiles nor used for automated call decisions. You have the right to rectify, change, and request access for erasure, limitation of treatment and portability of your data as well as the right to withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to aid.mgt@uckg.org. Complaints regarding violation or infringement of your rights should be sent to the UCKG Data Protection Officer by email at dpo@ukcg.org who will attempt to resolve any issues being raised. Failing this you may consider registering your complaint with the ICO who are the UK’s supervisory authority for GDPR at www.lco.org.uk/concerns.