experience, feelings, spiritual guidance,
The Christmas season is a period well known for spending time with loved ones, eating your favourite meals and enjoying some well-deserved rest from work. However, not everyone is very enthusiastic about this time of year, for some the holiday season causes them increased levels of grief.
There are many things that can trigger these seasonal blues, such as not being able to see family members and friends, or financial strain. Whatever the cause, these feelings can prove to be very overwhelming when left unmanaged, so knowing what to do is essential.
Firstly, if you are experiencing this, it is advised that you seek medical attention, as your general practitioner will be able to give you the appropriate treatment for your specific case.
However, according to Healthline, one of the common causes of the Holiday blues is overscheduling yourself and trying to please everyone. That’s why they advise learning to say “no” when necessary, and staying firm on your decision.
Another way to manage your mood during this season, is to get plenty of sleep. Preparing to receive guests at home, amongst other responsibilities during this period can be exhausting. Giving your body and mind the correct hours of rest is essential, as being well-rested improves your general mood and energy levels.
Moreover, spending time with your friends and family is another great way to improve your overall holiday experience. If the holiday period is usually a very lonely and isolated season for you, get in touch with us!
There are many ways you can reach out to us, but if you’d like to speak to someone immediately and receive spiritual guidance and support, call us on 020 7686 6000. Alternatively, message us on WhatsApp on 020 7686 6010. There is someone available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day to speak to you on the line.
If you prefer to speak with one of our Pastors in person, visit your nearest Universal Church, which is open 7 days a week to meet your spiritual needs. Regardless of the method you resort to, you can expect to be heard, understood and to receive a prayer to empower and strengthen you.
If Christmas is usually a challenging experience for you, don’t endure this holiday season alone. We are here to help!
Sources: https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/holiday-blues#postholiday-depression