dreams, faithfulness, honour God,
Have you ever wondered why the majority of males have a great passion for work and take pleasure in investing in their careers?
God created men that way, to be a go getter, an inventor and someone who pursues dreams. This began in Genesis, when God said that men would have to work hard to provide for their homes:
“(…) Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.” (Genesis 3:17 NKJV)
This was a curse which was given to man after Adam disobeyed God, however work doesn’t have to be a burden, that is if this curse is broken.
The first step for this curse to be reversed in your life is by honouring God and placing Him first. When we honour God with our faithfulness, He gives us the gift of satisfaction in our achievements.
That explains why many men work tirelessly to achieve their financial dreams and even when they do, they are never fulfilled.
This was the main message in the Intellimen meeting which took place last Sunday at 4pm in the Rainbow Theatre. That a man should know that the reward from the work he does will not come from money, but from honour.
A man that understands the value of his work desires to honour his family, manager and above all God with the work he does.
As a result, he gives his best in his projects and is willing to do even what is not expected of him, just so that he can excel in his work and please his boss. He works not only to provide for his home, but as a way to be an example of someone who is hard-working and diligent to his children.
Bishop James who held the meeting explained that, “everyone has the same capacity to do well. The difference is that some work with honour and others just want to scrape by.”
The meeting ended with the moment to seek the Spirit of God, who is the Rewarder of those who honour Him.
This meeting was a great success, and the attendees are looking forward to the next opportunity to invest in themselves.
Mario, a regular attendee of the Intellimen meetings said, “the Intellimen meetings have been helping me to become a better man, through certain attitudes that I have been taught to take in the different areas of my life.”
If you would like to be a part of the Intellimen project, you can visit your nearest Universal Church and ask your Pastor for more information.