In a world increasingly shaped by social media influencers, it’s easy to be swayed by the latest trends, opinions and lifestyles that flood our feeds. Influencers can often shape our perceptions, choices and desires. Past experiences – especially negative ones – may increase the likelihood of someone being influenced, making them perceive the lives and opinions of others as better than their own reality.
Nowadays, with a simple post, an influencer can reach millions of people, impacting not only the products and services they consume but also their worldviews. All it takes is a photo, video, or message for a previously unknown to enter our daily lives, occupying our time and, in some ways, taking over our thoughts as we scroll through our smartphones and absorb their ideologies, reshaping ourselves based on fragments of their lives they choose to share.
Researchers from the University of Strathclyde (United Kingdom), Ohio State University (United States) and the University of Iowa (United States) found that individuals who compare themselves aesthetically to others’ selfies may experience negative feelings and disappointment with their own appearance. In such cases, influencers can unintentionally undermine their followers’ self-esteem.
Everything has its positive and negative aspects, and one of the significant risks of following others is elevating them to the point of allowing them to make decisions on our behalf. This can lead us to disconnect from our true selves, values and ideas.
There is only One influencer we can trust and follow without facing these risks: the Lord Jesus. He is the most important influence we can have in our lives, inspiring us to believe in ourselves and the achievements we can attain through faith in Him. He instructs and encourages us to become better individuals in every way possible.
Through His teachings, actions and sacrificial love, Jesus provides us with the ultimate example of how to live. Unlike the fleeting impact of today’s influencers, His influence is eternal. When we allow Jesus to be the primary influence in our lives, we are transformed from within. We no longer seek temporary approval or worldly success but instead, live for His glory.
Every Wednesday and Sunday, we hold meetings dedicated to strengthening our relationship with the Most High, as well as learning more about Him and how to align our lives with His teachings to achieve a blessed life in every aspect. Click here for our full timetable and join us at your nearest Universal Church.