salvation of your soul,
There is uncountable evidence that we are living in the last days as the Bible states in Matthew 24:3-31. We have witnessed wars, natural disasters, barbaric crimes and so many other atrocities that have unfortunately become common in today’s society. These are clear signs that the Lord Jesus will rapture His church at any time and only those who are awake (spiritually speaking) will be taken with Him.
You are only awake (spiritually speaking) when you make a concise decision to strive to live a righteous life based on His word. This decision will call God’s attention and bring to you the peace and assurance of your salvation. Evidently, you are ready for His coming at any time because you are awake!
Or maybe you don’t have this certainty and you may feel like you have lost focus on what matters the most – your salvation. The Bible says:
…”Awake, you who sleep”…( Ephesians 5:14)
This Wednesday at the Night of the Soul this meeting aims to take you out of that deep sleep (spiritually speaking) and wake you up to what really matters: The Salvation of your Soul.
Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your most important asset – your soul, this meeting will take place at your local Universal Church.
Event: The Night of Awakening
Date and Time: Wednesday, 21 December at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm)
Location: Taking place at your local Universal Church