communion with God,
Words feed our thoughts and shape our beliefs and attitudes; therefore, it is necessary to be careful with the content that we feed ourselves with. The most important message a person can receive is the Word of God, which transforms a person from the inside out. But for that to happen, the biblical teachings need to be clearly understood and put into practice to see the desired results.
This Wednesday in all of our Universal Churches we will serve the Lord’s Supper of the Word. Participating in the Lord’s Supper is vital for a Christian’s spiritual upkeep, it works to strengthen and renew your relationship with God.
On this occasion, we will take part in the Lord’s Supper allowing His word to be prominent in our lives, which will protect us from negative words and allow the Word of God to bear fruit in us.
This is an opportunity to invite someone you know, who may have allowed work, school, family, their daily routine or perhaps the worries of life to keep them busy and distracted from their communion with God.
Make this Wednesday count by leaving aside your cares and allowing the Word of God to be your guide.
Event: The Lord’s Supper of the Word
Date and time: Wednesday, 27th July at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm)
Location: Taking place at your local Universal Church