blessed by Bishops and Pastors,
Do you feel like you have been fighting in vain? You fight for a better life but there’s always a new financial setback in your way; you fight for the unity of your family but your home seems like a battleground; you fight for your love life but you’re still lonely; you fight for your health but you are never really well.
What if we told you that you already have the right to victory over all of these problems? It all started at a cross. In times past, the cross was used as an instrument of torture and death. Criminals were executed and exposed at the cross to serve as a warning to others. However, when Jesus was crucified, the meaning of the cross changed. Instead of a symbol of death and shame, it became a symbol of faith, power and victory.
There is power in the cross because it was there that the Most High took our pain and afflictions, paying the price for our sins and giving the right of victory to all those who believe in Him.
In this faith, we gave all those who attended our Friday service a cross that was blessed by Bishops and Pastors as a symbol of the victory that Jesus gave us when He died on the cross. However, we know that some problems require more effort than others, and in these cases, we need to persevere. To persevere means to stand firm until your final victory.
That’s why we are still in the faith of The Cross of Victory purpose. Join us and let’s keep fighting until the end! Don’t forget to bring your cross and a rose, as we will also continue with the Novena of the Rose with the Mark of the Cross. If you don’t have your cross yet, you can receive it this Friday at your local Universal Church at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm).
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
(1 Corinthians 15:57).
Event: The Cross of Victory
Date: Friday 8 October – 5 November
Time: 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm)
Venue: Your local Universal Church
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