fulfilled life,
The job market is increasingly competitive and according to statistics, even young people who have achieved higher levels of education than previous generations are having a hard time kick starting their career.
The numbers show that money problems are common, even for those with employment, but could there be a deeper reason behind financial struggle?
Financial therapists explain that people who find themselves frequently short on money, underemployed or in a constant cycle of debts could have a deficit in their mind-set such as low self-esteem, fear or hesitation.
In other words, the reason why you are not yet prospering and living the fulfilled life that you desire could be a result of your spirit (mind). When you look beyond the surface level of your financial struggles to deal with the root cause, you will be well on your way to restoring your finances.
The Congress of Success seminar is aimed especially at those who seek to change their mentality and, consequently, their professional life. At these meetings you will receive guidance on how to overcome these setbacks with messages extracted directly from the word of God.
Join us every Monday at your local Universal Church at 7:30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm) to explore how you can change your financial life by simply changing the way you think.
Bring an item which represents your projects and financial goals to pray with during the service, as well as a notebook as the gems which will be shared are indispensable.
Event: Congress of Success
Date and Time: Mondays at 7:30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm).
Location: Your local Universal Church
Sources: https://www.fenews.co.uk/employability/68-of-students-feel-underprepared-for-competitive-uk-job-market/