Creator of all things,
King Solomon was the wisest and richest man among the kings of his time. His fame was so widespread that the Queen of Sheba decided to visit him to see if what people said about his reign was true. The queen was impressed by the wisdom of Solomon and said that what she heard was not even half of what she saw (see 1 Kings 10:4-7).
Certainly, there were many wise people around Solomon – including the Queen of Sheba herself – but his wisdom was supernatural. It was the wisdom of God that came upon him
when he was anointed as a king.
“Then Zadok the priest took a horn of oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon.” (1 Kings 1:39).
Although the queen believed to a certain extent in what she heard about Solomon – otherwise, she wouldn’t have travelled to visit the king of Israel – what she saw through his life spoke even louder and convinced her that he was indeed an extraordinary person. Words may awaken our faith, but against facts, there are no arguments. Those who are faithful to God must also have this Divine wisdom so that their life can also reflect His power.
In this faith, throughout this week you are going to be anointed three times with the oil from horn. On Monday we anointed the eyes determining that God will give to all those who are faithful to Him vision to prosper. On Wednesday we will anoint your mouth, for God to give you the right words when you’re dealing with your projects and on Friday we will anoint your hands, for God to bless whatever you touch.
Don’t miss the next two anointings so you can receive the wisdom that comes from the Creator of all things. For more info, please call or WhatsApp us on 020 7686 6000.
Event: The 3 Anointings for Wisdom with the Oil from the Horn
Date and time: Wednesday and Friday at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm)
Location: At your local Universal Church
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