Support Day for Prisoners’ Families at the Rainbow Theatre

Christian Church, Christian faith, Finsbury Park, inmates and their families, legal advice, Rainbow Theatre, Rescue of Dignity, Seven Sisters Road, support group,

Monday 19th May 2014

The UCKG HelpCentre’s support group for prison inmates and their families, is hosting its annual families’ support event, which takes place at the Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park on Saturday, May 24th.

The Rescue of Dignity Group (ROD) will beusing a combination of drama, specialist and legal advice to deal with some of the issues that arise during prison visits and show how families and friends can contribute to the inmate’s eventual rehabilitation.

ROD volunteers will be opening the doors at 1.30pm to welcome attendees for registration and refreshments. The 90 minute programme will start promptly at 2pm with the first of three specially written scenarios, dealing with aspects of the relationship between inmates and their families.

The mini dramas were written and are to be performed by members of VYG, the UCKG HelpCentre’s youth group. After the performances, guest speakers will talk through various topics and legal implications.

Finally, Charles Ajorgbor who leads the ROD group will explain about what families can do to make the most of prison visits so they are not just painful and loaded with recriminations.

ROD recognises that in 88 cases out of 100, inmates acknowledge that having their families involved in their lives contributes to full rehabilitation. ROD group members that have experienced the process will be available to speak to attendees on their experiences.

Charles Ajorgbor says that a key part of ROD’s mission is to help inmates families meet the challenges they faced from the moment they learn that a loved one is facing a court case, to sentencing, imprisonment, visits and the in due course release.

He added: “We have been moved to organise this event for inmates’ families because we understand the magnitude of their difficulties in coping with a relative’s imprisonment, and the loneliness and deprivation that those who are left behind so often suffer as a result.”


Notes to editors

UCKG is a Christian church and registered charity that offers a range of practical support activities alongside spiritual support and comfort and welcomes all-comers. It reached the UK in 1995 and has gone from strength to strength, providing support and spreading the Christian faith. There are UCKG HelpCentre branches in England and Wales.

The Rescue of Dignity (ROD) Group comprises volunteers from UCKG HelpCentres congregations who support prisoners and their families throughout the UK. The volunteers write to and visit inmates in prison with the objective of helping them to turn their lives around; and also provide support for the families who are left behind, often to struggle.

For further information please contact the UCKG HelpCentre Press Officer via e-mail on or direct line 020 7686 6033.

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