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  • Can everything you want really fit inside one small bottle of oil? It depends. In ancient times a small vile of olive oil was a God-send because it would be […]

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    Christians Continue to Die for Their Faith

    A recent attack on a church reveals how violence and persecution against Christians continues to grow in Africa. Twelve people were killed instantly and three others were hospitalized, when men […]

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    Intellimen Meeting: Masculine Intelligence

    Being a man in the past was very simple. You learnt two things from an early age: fight to defend yourself and hunt to feed yourself and your family. Being […]

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    God Works with Those Who Believe

      There are times when evil works to enter a life by surrounding the person with problems. When this pressure works and evil enters, the worse problems become, which is […]

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    God Remembers You!

      There are people who were rejected even in their mother’s womb and thus they enter into the world – despised, alone and neglected. In fact, there are people in […]

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    Baggage That Weighs Down Your Love Life

      The good and bad experiences we face in childhood and throughout our lives, unconsciously interfere with our behaviour, attitudes and mentality. Differences between couples can cause conflict when this […]

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    Final Week of the 10 Fridays of the Mighty Hand

    The greater the achievement, the greater the struggle and sacrifice required. That was the case for the Hebrews, as the freedom they so longed for seemed an almost impossible dream. […]

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    How You Can Help Support Lives Being Affected by War

      Even though we might not hear so much about it nowadays, the situation in Ukraine remains dire due to ongoing hostilities since February 2022. As a result, the country […]

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    A Clear Conscience: Do you have it?

    Without faith it is impossible to please the Most High (Hebrews 11:6) as it is precisely faith that is responsible for guiding us towards obedience to the Scriptures, granting us […]

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  • Wednesday of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

    Have you heard about the famous tree, found in the Amazon, called Samauma? It is commonly known in South America as the “mother” or “queen” of the forest. This fame […]

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