a special blessing, Gender pay gap, minimum wage, Temporary work, the minimum wage, Wage,
Over the past week or so, the media has carried no less than three good news stories on jobs, a situation which is greatly to be welcomed.
Nissan announced that it would be building two new models at its factory in the northeast, safeguarding more than 7,000 jobs.
A landmark court ruling confirmed that Uber drivers in the UK are entitled to holidays, sick pay and the minimum wage.
The gender pay gap is now at its narrowest since records began 20 years ago, with poorly paid women, who are often the breadwinners in their families, among the biggest beneficiaries.
Being the breadwinner, that is the sole or main earner in the family, always has been a big responsibility, and that’s truer than ever in 2016, with hundreds of thousands of employees struggling to make ends meet. What’s more, the outlook is not bright with rising prices in the supermarkets, and rents and house prices beyond affordable.
It is therefore good timing that all UCKG HelpCentres will hold a special blessing for breadwinners at 10am (and also at 7.30am) on Sunday, 6th November. During the meetings we will ask God to give you the continued strength to provide for your family and to give your family the best this land has to offer.
Sounds like an offer that’s hard to refuse.
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