Last But Not Least

show God your faithfulness, your financial life,

Last But Not Least
We are now in the last month of the year. Have you written 2020 off or are you determined that December will be the greatest month yet?

If you are in favour of the latter, then a way to ensure that this month will breakthrough can be found in the verses below:

Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the firstfruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9- 10)

God requires that we put Him first and honour Him, in order for us to see the increase and abundance that we desire. He is a God of reaction; therefore, our faithfulness is counted as obedience in His eyes.

For the last time this year, you will have the opportunity to show God your faithfulness by presenting your First Fruits and receiving the consecration with the anointing oil.

We will determine that your financial life will overflow with the best and as you continue to honour God, He will honour you. December may be the last month of the year but it doesn’t have to be the least.

We look forward to seeing you at your local UCKG branch Sunday 6th December for the morning service. Don’t forget to wear your face covering and follow all social distancing guidelines.

For more information: call or send a WhatsApp message to 020 7686 6000.

Event: Feast of the First Fruits
Day and Time: Sunday 6th December at 10am (also at 7.30am)
Location: At your local UCKG branch

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