Is waking up early the secret to success?

according to research, going into work, tips and advice,


‘The early bird catches the worm’ – This is a well-known catchphrase, but is it true? It is hard enough to wake up in the morning for work, but according to research, waking up earlier than usual can give us the opportunity to widen our skills and be more productive during the day. In fact, many of today’s most successful people are early risers:

  1. Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45am

According to a Time profile, Tim wakes up at 3:45 every morning, attends to his emails for an hour, and heads to the gym and then to Starbucks before finally going to work. Speaking about his routine, he said: “The thing about it is, when you love what you do, you don’t really think of it as work. It’s what you do. And that’s the good fortune of where I find myself”.

  1. Former First Lady Michelle Obama is exercising by 4:30am

The former First Lady does not feel good unless she has done her 4:30am workout. However, she notes that this was easier to achieve at the White House, where she had “much more support” than the average person.

3. AOL CEO Tim Armstrong begins his day at 5:00am

The CEO told the Guardian that he is “not a big sleeper” and wakes up at 5:00am to read, work out, tinker with the site and spend time with his daughter, who is also an early riser. He avoids sending emails until around 7:00am.

4. Xerox CEO Ursula Burns wakes up at 5:15am to check her emails and work out

Ursula uses her time in the morning to check her emails and schedules an hour of personal training at 6am twice a week.

5. GF CEO Jeff Immelt gets up at 5:30am

He uses this time to do a cardio workout, during which he reads newspapers and watches CNBC.

6. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi wakes up as early as 4:00am and is in the office by 7:00am

She wakes up at 4am and makes sure she’s at work every day by 7am.

 7. NextDesk director Dan Lee wakes up at 3:30am

The leader of the standing desk company schedules many activities before going into work. The first thing he does is drink two litres of water followed by two cups of coffee and a smoothie. He then spends 30 minutes with his dog followed by an hour of reading time. By 5:15am, he is at the gym, where he stays until 6:15am, and then he spends the next hour getting ready for work.

8. Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey wakes up at 5:30am

According to New York Magazine, the CEO wakes up at 5:30am to meditate, and then he goes for a six-mile jog before heading off to work.

9. ‘Shark Tank’ investor Kevin O’Leary wakes up at 5:45am to check the Asian and European bond markets

Speaking to Business Insider, Kevin said: “Good investors don’t stay in bed in North America with strings untied overseas because if something happens in London or Tokyo while they’re sleeping, everything can change”. After checking the markets, Kevin hops on his elliptical or exercise bike and watches TV for 45 minutes whilst he works out. This is followed by one hour of reading and business research. Then he heads off to work by 9:30am.

10.Virgin Group founder Richard Branson is up by 5:45am

He uses this time to exercise before having an early breakfast and heading to work.

 Waking up can be an important factor that contributes to our success, so why don’t you try waking up a bit earlier? Perhaps you will use your time to read more or brainstorm new ideas for your business. Either way, it is clear that being an early riser has its advantages.

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