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Is it possible to break a cycle of negative thinking?

Negative Thoughts

“You’re not going to make it!”…“Why should you even try? It won’t work!”…“Did God really forgive you?” Every day, millions of people are bombarded with these kinds of questions and perceptions. They pop up suddenly and uninvited, triggering doubts, fears, and worries. The worst part is that they can directly affect our lives since the way we think influences our feelings, actions and, consequently, the results we achieve.

If you have a pessimistic or destructive way of thinking, your actions will reflect it, bringing harmful consequences not only to you but also to those around you. Bad thoughts come to everyone’s mind, but we can work on how we react to these intrusive ideas to prevent them from taking root in our minds. If we don’t resist them immediately, they will grow stronger and bring even more damage.

A good way to avoid listening to and feeding the negative suggestions that are whispered to you is to cut off bad influences and seek only what is good for your mind. If you want to change your life, you must change your way of thinking. But now you may be asking, “How can I do this in practice?”

When a mind is occupied with divine thoughts, there is no room for negative thinking. God’s thoughts are thoughts of peace, certainty, and love. They can bring freedom, hope, and transformation to our lives, so seeking them is essential for anyone who wants to live a positive life. Even renowned scientists, such as Albert Einstein, recognised this reality. Einstein famously said: “I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest are just details*.”

When we think and practice God’s thoughts, we become stronger and are empowered to fight doubts and fears with security and certainty. But this decision must come from each one of us since God is not invasive. He respects each person’s free will and only enters the minds of those who allow Him to do so.

Are you struggling with recurring negative thoughts that you can’t seem to silence? Join us this Sunday, 22 September, at 10am for our Sunday morning service at your local Universal Church. Through prayers and guidance based on the sacred scriptures, you will learn how to recognise and break damaging thought cycles by exchanging your thoughts with God’s. This could be what is missing for you to find His peace and transformation.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55.9).

Ps: If you can’t wait until the Sunday service, please feel free to call our 24-hour Helpline for spiritual support. Call 020 7686 6000 or send a WhatsApp message to 020 7686 6010.

Event: The Day to Exchange Thoughts
Day and Time: Sunday, 22 September at 10am
Location: At your local Universal Church


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