an action plan, an intelligent manner,
Don’t start before completingChallenge #6
If you want to join the IntelliMen, start fromChallenge #1.
We are now on the seventh challenge. The curious have fallen by the wayside, the weak have given up, and the puzzled are still trying to figure out Challenge #1. Only the committed and determined remain on the quest to become better men in every area of their lives. So now we can share even more useful tools with you. This is what we’re going to do in this challenge.
Challenge: Learn to intelligently define goals; practice what you learn by defining an intelligent goal.
Explanation: A particular trait of men is the ability to focus on a goal. Since the beginning of time man’s role has been to hunt, form armies, fight wars, provide for his family and make it grow. Men were forced to define goals, focus on them, and find ways to accomplish them. A man’s life depended on it. We’re not saying that women are incapable of this – in fact, some are even better at it than men. But the fact is that men have been doing for longer. This characteristic is part of what makes men strong, secure, and determined – a natural-born leader.
And so, the challenge for today will be to reflect on how to define goals in an intelligent manner, and accomplish them. Think about the following information.
An intelligent goal has 5 parts. It has to be:
To better understand what each of these parts stand for, let’s say for example that your goal is to get into better physical shape. Simply saying, “I want to get into shape,” doesn’t give you a clear picture of what you want or have to do. Because of this, you have to redefine this objective using the five steps above, like this:
Whether your goal is big or small, personal or business related, home or education based, spiritual or financial – you need to define it in an intelligent manner. (To help you remember, an acronym for the 5 steps is SMART: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time framed. And so we need to be SMART in the way we define our goals.)
Now that you know how to do it, define a goal that has the five parts above and that you can work on immediately. It can be something totally new or something that you’re already working on. Remember the SMART steps, in other words, identify the five different parts mentioned above. Place the date for when you want to achieve it in your calendar.
Official Buddy: Speak to your buddy about SMART goals, what you learned, how you intend to use this knowledge from now, whether or not it was difficult to define your goal, etc. You want to keep your goal to yourself, that’s okay.
Deadline: This task can be begun immediately and should be completed before Challenge #8.
Post: After – and only after – you have completed the challenge (not your goal,) post a comment about what caught your attention about this challenge. Post it on the IntelliMenWorld Facebook or Twitter page, (not on your own page) and write the following:
IntelliMen Challenge #7 done: What caught my attention the most was… (add your comment)
Links: (when tweeting, use @intelliMenworld)
Verification checklist:
☐ I learned to define SMART goals
☐ I defined a goal, and included it in my Notebook and Calendar
☐ I spoke to my Partner about the challenge
☐ I posted it on Facebook/Twitter