valuable lessons,
Don’t start before completing Challenge #43.
If you want to join the IntelliMen Project, start from Challenge #1.
Challenge: Go over challenges 27-43; get caught up with the project, and complete this week’s reading.
Explanation: Another moment for reflection has come. We are only eight challenges away from the conclusion of this project. The last time we evaluated our performance was with Challenge #26, some time ago. Everything in life requires maintenance to keep working properly, and IntelliMen is no different. This pause will help you get up to date, in case you’re behind on any challenges. It’s crucial that you do not skip over challenges or fail to complete one.
This week I want you to do the same thing that you were asked to do in Challenge #17. Read that challenge again and follow the instructions — but this time go over challenges 27-43.
In addition, set aside 20 minutes this week to meditate on a chapter of the Bible that mentions more than 15 men that made history through their courageous acts. Read Hebrews chapter 11.
Stop and think about the characteristics that each man possessed. Which do you need to adopt? Which man do you identify with the most? Why? How can you be a man of faith like they were? Don’t be lazy! Really mediate on this. You will learn some valuable lessons. Twenty minutes, no distractions, just you and your Bible.
Prepare yourself because next week you will be given a super challenge.
Notebook: Follow the instructions from Challenge #17; write down the lessons you learned from the chapter of the Bible you meditated on.
Official Partner: Follow the instructions of challenge #17.
Deadline: Begin this challenge immediately and conclude it before you start Challenge #45, in a week.
Post: After – and only after – you have completed the challenge, post your comments on the IntelliMenWorld Facebook or Twitter page, (not on your own page) and write the following:
IntelliMen Challenge #44 done: I reviewed the project up to now, and… (Add your thoughts and conclusions about this challenge. Feel free to talk about how IntelliMen has helped you, what changes you’ve noticed in yourself and what other people have noticed too.)
Links: (when tweeting, use @intelliMenworld)
Verification checklist
☐ I reviewed challenges 27 to 43
☐ I read Hebrews 11
☐ I re-read my Notebook, wrote down and updated what was necessary
☐ My partner and I exchanged feedback on our partnership
☐ I posted my comments on Facebook/Twitter
…Who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. – Hebrews 11:33