dream trip,
Don’t start before completing Challenge #35.
If you want to join the IntelliMen Project, start from Challenge #1.
Challenge: Surprise the woman you love.
Explanation: Whether you’re married, widowed, single or too young to be in a relationship, every man has a special woman in his life. A wife, mother, sister, daughter, or girlfriend…
This week I want you to plan a nice surprise for this woman. Here are some rules:
Be creative. Here are some questions that may help you: What does she like to do? Does she keep mentioning a certain thing that she would love you to do for her? Does she need help with anything? What is her dream trip? Is there a restaurant she has wanted to go to? Do you owe her an apology? Does she complain about how little time you spend with her?
In other words, think of how to make her happy and get to it.
Notebook: Write a few lines on what this woman means to you. It’s worth writing down your thoughts.
Deadline: You may begin working on this challenge immediately and complete it before you begin Challenge #37 in one week’s time.
Post: After – and only after – you have completed the challenge, post your comments on the IntelliMenWorld Facebook or Twitter page, (not on your own page) and write the following:
IntelliMen Challenge #36 done: I surprised the woman I love. (Talk about what you did, what was her reaction – post a photo if you like.)
www.twitter.com/intellimenworld (when tweeting, use @intelliMenworld)
Verification Checklist
☐ I pleasantly surprised the woman I love
☐ I took notes in my Notebook
☐ I spoke with my Partner about the challenge
☐ I posted my comments on Facebook/Twitter
An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her. Agatha Christie