your day-to-day life,
Don’t start before completing Challenge #32.
If you want to join the IntelliMen Project, start from Challenge #1.
Challenge: Be punctual with all your commitments this week (and the week after, and always).
Explanation: Punctuality is a characteristic of successful people. Show me a successful person and I’ll show you someone who values his time and the time of others.
Arriving late to appointments, getting to work a couple of minutes after the appointed time, making others wait for you, walking in to a church meeting after it has already started, promising to call or do something at a certain time and then forgetting, failing to meet deadlines – all this means that you are bad at managing your time. Always being late has a lot to do with bad habits rather than traffic or any other excuse.
Watch yourself this week, plan ahead, and you can avoid tardiness. Re-evaluate your habits, when you get up, the time-wasters that muddle your performance – and your promises. Remember, do not promise to complete a task by a certain day and time unless you are sure you can do it. If arriving on time depends on someone else (someone gives you a ride, or you have to wait for your wife to get ready) communicate to that person and agree on what you will do differently from now on.
Here’s a useful hint: plan to arrive at your destination 15 minutes early and meet your deadlines one day or some hours in advance.
If you follow these principles from now on, you will be guaranteed of greater success. On top of that, people will treat you with more respect and take you seriously.
Notebook: Think about your day to day life, find out why you’re late to appointments and why you don’t meet your deadlines. Why is it? What can you do to change? Write down the answers in your notebook.
Official Partner: Share your experiences on this topic, your habits, what goes through your head when someone makes you wait, etc. Share your ideas, so that from now on you can both be punctual. Come up with tactics.
Deadline: You may begin working on this challenge immediately and complete it within a week, and then go on to Challenge #34.
Post: After – and only after – you have completed the challenge, post your comments on the IntelliMenWorld Facebook or Twitter page, (not on your own page) and write the following:
IntelliMen Challenge #33 done: I will respect my time and others. (Feel free to add any other comments.)
Links: (when tweeting, use @intelliMenworld)
Verification Checklist
☐ I examined my punctuality
☐ I made plans to be more punctual
☐ I wrote in my notebook
☐ My partner and I spoke about the challenge
☐ I posted my comments on Facebook/Twitter