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How to Leave the Past Behind?

Leave the Past Behind 1When someone is attached to the past, it’s as if they are tied to a chain. They are unable to progress and open themselves to new experiences. Whenever they attempt to move forward, the “chain” pulls them back, ultimately compromising their future.

To illustrate, we can compare this to the security system at an airport. Whenever someone goes through security with any metal items, the detector beeps, signalling them to step back. In other words, if you are carrying any items that are prohibited, these objects will prevent you from passing through to the other side and from reaching your destination. So, to be able to move forward and not miss the flight, the person must remove any metal objects.

In life, it’s no different. For someone to move forward, they can’t be carrying harmful baggage. Many couples struggle in their relationships simply because they can’t let go of the burden left by negative experiences they have faced with previous partners, such as: lack of affection, disrespect, aggression, jealousy, betrayal, etc. Until these traumas are addressed and healed, finding success in love remains challenging.

The past, whether good or bad, is part of our history, so letting go isn’t about ignoring what happened, but about learning to deal with what happened. This is the path to healing. During our Love Therapy seminars, which are held every Thursday, we provide step-by-step guidance on how to overcome your negative experiences and prepare yourself to love again before entering a new relationship – if you are single – or building a solid foundation for your current relationship – if you are dating or married.

Event: Love Therapy seminars
Day and Time: Every Thursday at 8pm
Location: Cathedral of Miracles – Rainbow Theatre, 232 Seven Sisters Road, N4 3NX (Outside London branches via livestream).

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