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Fast of Complete joy Title
What is the fast of Daniel

The Fast of Daniel is based on the fast described in Daniel Chapter 10 in the Bible. Daniel decided to fast for 21 days in order to find favour, and receive wisdom and understanding from God. It is a time for those who want to get closer to God.

Nowadays, among the list of things that get in the way of our relationship with God, distractions are one of the worse. They come in all forms of entertainment and secular information, which bombard us constantly. As the Lord Jesus would say: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matthew 13:9).

The purpose of the Fast of Daniel is exactly this: to open our ears to the voice of God to separate yourself from the things that may be a distraction for you to have more communion with God.

Why do the fast of daniel copy

This purpose is for you to develop your personal relationship by strengthening your communion with Him. So you will be fasting for 21 days, throughout this period you will deny your pleasures and entertainments that distance you from Him.

Just as fasting means more than abstaining from food, this purpose is more than refraining from secular information or entertainment. The Fast calls for us to abandon the wrong attitudes such as gossiping, lying, surrounding ourselves with the wrong crowd etc and replacing it with the right attitudes, which will help you reach your objectives.

what is the goal 1

The main objective of this fast is for you to receive the Holy Spirit, to have the Spirit of God inside of you;
that is constant peace, strength, and a guide living in you.

Swap your thoughts for the thoughts of God; meditate on His Word and communicate with Him through prayer.
This is your opportunity to have a true encounter with the Creator.

If you wish to develop spiritually and desire to have His seal, then this is the time.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit has been and will be fulfilled during these 21 Days, as the word of God states:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh…” (Acts 2:17)

For those who already have the Holy Spirit, this fast is a great opportunity to be renewed, you can never be too close to God, there is always so much more to know about Him and to better who you are, for Him.

What are the requirements 3

No one pours clean water into a dirty cup. Likewise, a person cannot be given the Holy Spirit when there are other spirits dwelling in his body, such as the spirit of envy, dissension, anger, greed, gossip, etc.The Holy Spiritpsd

When a person seeks the baptism in the Holy Spirit they must not let anything accuse them before God. If there is something accusing the person, they have to immediately confess it to the Lord Jesus and ask for His forgiveness.

You should not think about your family, your bills, yourself, or anything else when seeking the Holy Spirit. Rather than making a silent prayer in your mind, you should worship the Lord Jesus with your mouth, telling Him that you love Him, that He is the most important Person in your life, and that you are ready to do His holy will.

If you feel something attempting to distract you, know that you are about to receive the Holy Spirit. Obviously, many things will happen to divert your attention and to make you miss out on this great blessing.

When a person is baptised with the Holy Spirit, he immediately receives God’s life-force, which enables him to fight and overcome any battles.

How to participate 1

For 21 days, you will abstain from secular entertainment, music, and news just as Daniel (Daniel 10:3) didn’t eat delicacies and desirable foods, you will also refrain from entertainment.

As you disconnect from entertainment you will replace it with what edifies your spiritual life such as; meditating on the Bible, attending church services more often, reading a book from the church, and (not limited to) tuning in to Liberty Radio to watch and participate in the radio program Monday-Friday at 11.15pm with Bishop James.

Read Bishop Macedo’s daily messages to help you throughout this journey. Use them for your spiritual and personal growth.

When does the Fast of Dnaiel take place

Throughout the Universal Church, the fast will take place from 11th April to 1st May 2022,
with the topic of “The Complete Joy”, which can only
be offered by the Holy Spirit. Join your faith together during the Fast of Daniel, to accomplish this same goal.

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