The UCKG HelpCentre is an evolving church and organisation always on the look out for what will spark a change in a person’s life. Besides operating as a daily one-stop spiritual help centre, we offer a range of practical support activities – faith orientated and secular – to meet the needs of all age groups and walks of life, and do not shy away from challenging situations. We have strong workers and volunteers and community focus.
Aware of the individual needs of each community and society as a whole, the UCKG HelpCentre has teamed up with other organisations – governmental and otherwise – and registered charities to organise Community Events that raise awareness and address a number of these needs.
The UCKG HelpCentre takes the approach of forming Community Groups as a way of engaging its members in lending a helping hand to the local community. The groups are formed to help specific areas of the community where people are suffering and struggling to find suitable help.
Most members of these groups have either suffered with problems similar to those of the people they aim to help and were successful in overcoming them or had a successful experience through a relative or friend. This experience coupled with the necessary training provided by the UCKG HelpCentre staff equips them to do much more than just giving moral support or encouragement to those who are suffering.
24-hour Helpline
The call centre handles calls year round providing support and assistance to people from all walks of life.
Victory Youth Group (VYG)
Meetings combine fun activities with practical guidance and spiritual development.
Training Centre
The centre provides IT and English courses, other careers and business related support services.
Rescue Of Dignity (ROD)
The group provides physical and spiritual support to inmates and families nationwide.
Caleb Group
Provides help and support to seniors through social activities, outings and help at home and other tasks.
Patient Care Group
Visits and provides company and assistance to patients on a voluntary basis at their home or hospital.
Removing All Hurt and Abuse (RAHAB)
The group reaches out to women that have been victims of abuse.
The UCKG HelpCentre is a non-profit organisation that works to help people live a happy and fulfilled life irrespective of their background. If you appreciate the work of the charity, take a moment to show your support by giving a voluntary donation that will help towards its growth.