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  • Become a better version of youself!

    Everyone desires to become a better version of themselves, however to reach your full potential isn’t always plain sailing. That’s why we hold our bi-monthly Godllywoood Self-Help meetings where all […]
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  • April the month of open doors

    April takes its name from the Latin word aperire, meaning ‘to open’ (just like flowers do in spring) and who wouldn’t want an open door to be set before them? […]
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  • Do you want Jesus to triumph in your life?

    The Holy Week follows the days leading to the most monumental event in the history of the world: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On that day, many years […]
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  • Night of the Good Samaritan

    We know the story but have we been a Good Samaritan? The Samaritan, from whom nothing was expected, demonstrated extraordinary conduct by voluntarily helping the wounded Jew. He had no […]
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  • Breaking of all Curses

    Words exert a great power of influence in people’s lives, both for good and for evil. Just as they can uplift and bless someone, they can destroy and even kill. […]
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  • Do you want to put God first?

    No one wants to feel insecure and uncertain of their future but when a person allows God to be their ultimate guide He will give them inner confidence that His […]
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  • Would a King wash the feet of his people?

    The scenario of a king washing his people’s feet may be totally unheard of, the roles reversed but that’s exactly what the Lord Jesus did, He reversed the roles leaving […]

    Night of the Soul,

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    Walking in the Same Direction!

    “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3). Those who share the same objectives and interests walk together. This applies to everything, including your love life. Over the […]

    The Love Walk,

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  • A Covenant That Lasts Forever

    According to the Cambridge dictionary, a covenant is “a formal agreement or promise between two or more people.” Every day covenants are made between employees and employers, sellers and buyers […]

    salvation of our soul,

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    Exchange Your Burden for His

    Burden: ‘a load, typically a heavy one’ and we all know that carrying anything weighty is extremely strenuous. How many of us have carried something heavy and then felt the […]

    Chain of Prayer,

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