We are Beat Depression UK, part of the UCKG outreach initiative made up of volunteers who have beaten depression through the power of faith.
You don’t have to learn to live with depression or learn to manage a mental health problem as though it’s a life sentence. In our experience, the power of God can transform a person’s life so that depression and other mental health issues can become part of a person’s past. We have thousands of testimonials worldwide that prove this. So, whatever your situation, your past, your condition, never give up hope, because there is a permanent solution where you can be free and lead a happy and fulfilled life.
The semi-colon used in our logo has a meaning. When an author writes, they can choose to end a sentence with a full stop, but if they use a semi-colon, it means that the sentence isn’t finished. Now see the author as you and the sentence as your life. Just because you’re struggling right now, it doesn’t mean that it’s over for you, that the only option left is to end it all. There CAN be a new beginning.
Every Tuesday at 9pm, we bring you the Beat Depression UK radio show, with tips on how to fight depression and inspiring real-life stories of people who are now free from all mental health problems. Tune in via www.libertyradio.co.uk You can find previous radio shows on our Facebook page.
On Fridays, we have our free spiritual cleansing sessions with practical advice on how to deal with life’s problems and also spiritual help through the power of prayers. We have found that the combination of practical advice and spiritual help is a winning formula and we have hundreds of testimonials to prove this.
At our headquarters, (232 Seven Sisters Road, N4) we have sessions at 7am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 7.30pm. We have locations all over the UK too. Visit www.uckg.org/addresses to find your nearest branch and times, or give us a call on 020 7686 6000 for more information.
We are here for you. Contact our 24hour helpline for prayer and advice on 020 7686 6000 or send us a message on WhatsApp on the same number. You can also email us at beatdepressionuk@uckg.org
“I had a deep sadness and incessant thoughts about ending my life and killing my sons. I used to think I was going mad but I couldn’t tell anyone what was happening to me. At the Universal Church I received prayers, spiritual advice and I learned how to beat depression through the power of faith. I saw great changes in my life and today I have peace! My smile and happiness come from within me.” Julie Tedeschi
*Disclaimer: The UCKG HelpCentre’s spiritual advice is to be seen as a complement to the scientifically proven treatment you may be receiving.
The UCKG HelpCentre does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.