A True Witness, First Epistle of John, God, God the Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Lord, Pastor, Testimony of God, the Living God,
He not only tells the truth, but he breathes, lives, practices and reflects this as the only truth he knows.
“A true witness DELIVERS souls, but a deceitful witness speaks lies.” Proverbs 14.25
A True Witness is someone that delivered his own soul from eternal death, repented of his sins, buried his past through the baptism in Water and earnestly seeks the Holy Spirit. He is then baptised, and becomes a True Witness with facts, evidence and character – the difference between the before and after of knowing and serving the Living God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Only then do we become a True Witness that the Lord Jesus has risen and He lives in us again.
“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1.8
Do not forget, a witness is someone who lived through the facts, someone that was present. Therefore, a True Witness can speak with authority, Courage and Confidence, because he is speaking about something he lived, knows, understands, and not only about something he heard.
A True Witness DELIVERS souls, because in addition to Evangelising, he is Saved and leads (the Church) souls to free themselves from suffering, from the hell in which they find their lives and the lies that have deceived them, and consequently have created pain and grief!!!
You are a True Witness because you found and received the same Spirit as your Lord, who is the Truth:
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…” John 14.6
Have you been a True Witness?
Some people are happy to just have a testimony about their health, finances, love life, deliverance from addictions, but they are not a True Witness that Delivers Souls, because they have not been baptised with the Holy Spirit yet.
The Testimony of God is True, therefore, his children should also be a true witness.
Bishop Edir Macedo
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