a new person, God, Jesus, The Word of God, visualize God as a person, Vows of love,
Why such love?
Why such passion?
Promises and more promises!
Unwavering faithfulness!
The Most High sighs, He desires, He dreams of the transformation of unfaithful and rebellious people into His beloved nation, Jacobs who will be Israel.
Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, and shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice. Jeremiah 31.4
It is truly marvelous to see the Most High wanting to cleanse what He did not dirty, to build up what He did not destroy, and to see happy those who have upset Him so much. Every time we meditate on the Word of God, we have the opportunity to visualize His character, His way of being and how to act in diverse situations. It is as if we are building His person, almost like a hologram before our eyes.
When I meditated on Jeremiah 31, I confess that I was moved, tears came to my eyes, because I could imagine and visualize God as a person, someone suffering because of love, someone who was betrayed and abandoned, and in some cases forgotten, but still capable of desiring so intensely the return of those who betrayed Him, and of planning a whole scenario of joy and stability for those who have often disregarded Him, and all this without any resentment.
Can you imagine such a person?
Concentrate and you will!
The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31.3
Yes, the Most High is able to see traitors as virgins, this is, as pure and immaculate. He sees them with the eyes of faith, He yearns for love and draws them to Himself.
He believes in our transformation!
God is full of good plans for everyone, but these plans can only materialize in the lives of those who turn away from unfaithfulness (be it in actions or intentions, something that is done or only felt) and fight with all their strength to be, day after day, a new person, a true virgin. The people of Israel sinned very much, and you may see yourself as an extreme SINNER, but do not forget that God longs for you, just as a bridegroom yearns for his VIRGIN bride.
Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! You shall again be adorned with your tambourines…
Every time God says, “shall,” He is saying that something that hasn’t happened yet will happen (faith); someone who has not changed will change!
Allow God to become the Lord of your soul. Do you know how to do this? Be submissive in EVERYTHING to the Most High, and He will surely love you with everlasting love.
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