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Build the life you want through the words you speak

Build the life you want through the words you speak

In the Sacred Scriptures, Ephesians 4.29 says: Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” Corrupt words are worthless words that devalue ​​the character of both speaker and listener.

We can use our mouth to determine good things in the lives of those who hear us or we can use it to lie, steal, kill and destroy. It’s very important to understand that the first person to hear the words that comes out of your mouth is yourself. Thus, what you say affects YOU first. Words are powerful and it’s easy to put this to the test: when you are alone, repeat “I am angry.” You don’t even need to know why, but soon your brain will start looking for reasons to be angry. In the same way, if you say “I am grateful,” you will find reasons for it.

A word can change your feelings, emotions and thoughts. This means the words that come out of your mouth have power, and you must watch how you are using this power: whether if it’s for your own good and the good of others – to build yourself / them up – or if it’s for evil. The only words that should come out of our mouths are constructive ones – that will lift up, strengthen and encourage. If you don’t have these kinds of words to say, it’s better not to say anything.

Your words can change your mood and the environment you are in. They can motivate or demotivate your team, help you conquer or lose a client, save or destroy your marriage. This is a free power – you don’t need to sign up or pay for it, neither to take a course to learn it. You just need to understand: “My words have the power to build or destroy myself and others.”

It’s also important to note that there is a difference between the thought, the spoken and the written word. If the words you think are powerful, even more powerful are the ones you speak, and the ones you write have even greater power. So, you should use these words to your advantage: think good thoughts and, as a consequence, speak positive words. Then, write down what you really want to accomplish.

Again, remember to use this power to your advantage and not against yourself. Don’t destroy things through your lips, but rather, build them up. The first step to do this is to absorb the Words of God, which are His thoughts. If you absorb God’s thoughts, they will influence your own thoughts, which in turn will influence your words and through them, you can influence your life and those who will hear you.

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