The device that allows you to use your hand as a smartphone


Last week, Humane, a software and hardware company, announced their new product – the AI pin.

This device allows you to use several phone features from your hand, through a combination of sensors and AI technology, such as voice and touch controls and a camera to sense the user’s intentions.

Many people online have expressed their scepticism of the device’s convenience over the smartphone or smartwatch, as it appears hard to use and the projected screen is blurry.

Furthermore, the device’s “outlandish pricing model” has astounded online critics, who disagree with having to pay a monthly subscription after an already extortionate upfront cost.

However, there’s more!

An article by PBS News Hour, an American news broadcasting channel, said, “Scientists and tech industry leaders, including high-level executives at Microsoft and Google issued a warning about the perils that artificial intelligence poses to humankind”.

In fact, “more than 1,000 researchers and technologists, including Elon Musk, had signed a letter earlier this year calling for a six-month pause on AI development, saying it poses ‘profound risks to society and humanity’”.

Could this be yet another sign that points to the imminent return of the Lord Jesus and the Great Tribulation which is predicted in the Word of God?

The world is really undergoing major changes since the pandemic; however, the Bible made it clear that the end times would be marked by signs.

If you want to explore this subject further, as well as learn how you can prepare yourself for the return of the Lord Jesus, so that you won’t have to stay behind when the Biblical prophecies begin to unveil here on Earth. You can attend the weekly Biblical series taking place at your local Universal Church – The Thief in the Night.

You can see these services, happening every Wednesday, as a spiritual school, where you will learn more about the mysteries of the Word of God, strengthen your relationship with Him and offload any weights you had been carrying in your mind.

The Bible says:

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved,” (Psalms 55:22 NKJV)

If you are feeling tired, weary or troubled by your problems or the distressing news from around the globe, visit your nearest Universal Church today to speak with a Pastor. Alternatively, you can call us now on our 24-Hour Helpline at 020 7686 6000 or message us on WhatsApp at 020 7686 6010.


Event: The Thief in the Night
Date and Time: Wednesdays at 7:30pm (also at 7am, 10am & 3pm)
Location: At your local Universal Church

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