avoiding social conflicts, external achievements,
International Day of Happiness: is it possible to be truly happy or is it a utopia?
Humanity is in constant search of happiness. Many believe that if they find someone to love they will be happy. Others think that by gaining money and prestige, they will know true joy. However, it has been proven over time that none of this is enough.
The United Nations (UN) named March 20 the “International Day of Happiness” in order to try to promote happiness and joy around the world. As well as avoiding social conflicts and possible wars.
However, a survey carried out by the International Gallup Association that measures the Index of Hope, Happiness and economic expectations found that most people in the world consider themselves unhappy.
Among the people interviewed during the survey, in the United States, West Asia, Latin America, Africa, India, East Asia and Australia, more than 55% stated that they are not happy.
Therefore, complete happiness still seems like a utopia for many, and this is in all parts of the world. Regardless of whether they are inserted in a favourable economic reality or not. In truth, happiness cannot be achieved through external achievements. But, it is developed from the inside out, namely: when a person receives the Holy Spirit.
To obtain genuine joy within, oneself needs to seek the One who is able to guarantee him the Divine security that brings happiness, that is, the Holy Spirit.
Join us for the Wednesday service Night of the Soul where we will seek the One that can give us true joy – The Holy Spirit. This service takes place at your local Universal Church at 7.30pm (also at 7am, 10am and 3pm).