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This CANuary

This CANuary
In London, more than 2.3 million Londoners live below the poverty line and 33% of adults have skipped meals to save money so that their children can eat.

Food poverty is prevalent now more than ever, this is why the Universal Church will dedicate one month between the 23 January – 28 February where we will be running a large food drive in order to raise as much canned and non-perishable food as we can for our food banks across the UK.

We are calling this 37-day period the month of Canuary, where we have set ourselves the goal of 25 tonnes of donated food.

Giving towards this cause will allow several additional families as well as the ones we are currently supporting to have access to much-needed food parcels in the coming months.

Help us, keep others alive by donating tin food to one of our local Universal Churches/Food banks.

You can call 020 7686 6000 for more info.

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