All good!

a very positive message, Proposals of marriage,

All good!

It’s a phrase we hear all the time, and when someone tells you that they are ‘all good’ or that a situation is ‘all good’ it gives a very positive message. It’s often said with a big smile on the speaker’s face, and the expectation is that all really is good in whatever situation.

This makes the strongest contrast to much of what seems to be happening in the world today.

The media is brimming with gloom and doom. If it’s not a bomb here, it’s a natural disaster somewhere else. There are the saddest stories of sick children and babies, swiftly followed by accounts of frail old people in dire straits. The expectation is that there’s worse to come.

Rampant pessimists counsel that ‘all good things must come to an end’ while others only expect ‘jam tomorrow’ at best and a thoroughly miserable time meanwhile.

So, stop! Take a good look around and you will see that much is right with the world. Acts of kindness and many other sorts of good are going on all the time. People are promoted, some receive decent pay rises, they pass their exams, that holiday proves to be affordable after all.

The sick recover, sometimes against expectations. Teeth are straightened. Deposits are saved and mortgages granted. Proposals of marriage are made and lovingly accepted, brides look more beautiful than they ever imagined…

Our tip for today is to put aside any feelings of negativity you may be harbouring, and remember the good that’s going on in your life. It will certainly brighten your day and that of others around you.

All good!


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