Você faria o mesmo? Ator troca sucesso em Hollywood por sua fé cristã

confia em Deus, uma carreira promissora, uma grande estrela de Hollywood,

His word
Discover the story of Cameron Arnett, who preferred to give up cinema rather than abandon his values

What would you choose: to be a big Hollywood star or to stand firm in the Christian faith? For many actors, one of the options necessarily eliminates the other. And that’s what happened to Cameron Arnett.

Arnett excelled in theater and television shows. He has participated in internationally renowned programs such as “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Miami Vice”. He soon gained space in theaters and his Hollywood career took off when he faced something that conflicted with his faith.

“Hollywood told me that because I was an actor, I would need to film partial nudity,” he said in an interview streamed on Facebook. “I had to choose between my career and Christ. And I chose Christ. But when I did that, I lost everything.”

The case came after Arnett passed a difficult casting test. When signing the contract, he was informed about the need to do nude scenes. He said he wouldn’t because he was a Christian. They then suggested that a stunt double be used.

“At that moment I felt God telling me: people are going to keep thinking that there is you”, he said.

Arnett refused to sign the contract on those terms. And the consequences for his movie career were enormous.

“The world collapsed. I lost everything. Entrepreneurs abandoned me. Everyone abandoned me. Friends abandoned me. I was left behind by the world and everything I had.”

After the choice

After that moment, Arnett realized that Hollywood was not his place. He focused his career on theater as an actor and producer and became respected in the field.

Many years later, his wife convinced him to return to films. But, this option was taken with the awareness that Arnett would only work on works that had a connection with his faith.

“Now I have the opportunity to be myself anywhere and not compromise my values. I’m a Christian, first. I not an actor. And I’m not a pastor. I am a child of God, a servant of God . That’s my claim to fame,” he states.

Arnett’s successful and respectable career only proves that God never abandons those who entrust their lives to Him.

How does one who has the Spirit of God act

The Holy Word brings the following passage:
“My son, if sinners try to attract you with pleasures, do not accept it.” Proverbs 1.10

This advice fits with what Arnett lived through. He could have given what the film industry asked for. After all, he was young and on the rise and almost every other actor was doing the same. Why give up a promising career ?

But whoever follows the Word of God does not give himself to the world:

This is one of the signs that a person has or does not have the Spirit of God within him. When a person has the Spirit of God, his values ​​and principles are non-negotiable. It doesn’t matter your circumstance, your momentary situation. She won’t lower your standards, she won’t compromise your values.

This, regardless of whether it’s in Hollywood or in everyday life, because, in any situation, those who obey God know that they don’t need to corrupt themselves to reach a goal . The person trusts that God will take care of his future.

A person who has the Spirit of God has a differential: he depends on Him. Her life is in His hands. She trusts God regarding her destiny. What will happen to her tomorrow. She has that faith. So she is prepared for what would apparently be a loss.

That’s because “she prefers her peace, when she lays her head on the pillow, her good conscience, than taking advantage of this or that and keeping her conscience bad. So whoever has the Spirit of God remains incorruptible.

And, as the Bible says:
“He who is begotten of God keeps himself, and the evil one does not touch him” . 1 John 5:18

That is: God protects those who surrender to Him.

“For Christians, salvation, inner peace, communion with God are their greatest assets. They are his greatest assets. And this she does not sell, does not exchange, does not negotiate, does not lend”, concludes Bishop Renato Cardoso.

Click on the link and watch the complete teaching of Bishop Renato Cardoso :

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