a esse ponto, Billboard Hot 100, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, pensamentos depressivos e suicidas, Taylor Swift, YouTube,
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson is a 32-year-old woman, born in the small town of Santa Barbara, California (United States), who dreamed of being a gospel singer when she grew up. She even recorded a CD in 2001, released 2 days before her 18th birthday. The album only sold 252 copies, which made her move away from her music career.
Katy Perry is one of the most successful singers today. In her 9-year career, she has already won dozens of awards, including several Emmys, Billboards and others just as important. Additionally, Katy has sold over 20 million physical records, not to mention hundreds of millions of downloads of her songs.
Both Katheryn and Katy live in the body, mind and spirit of the same woman. However, since 2008, when the character Katy Perry was created, Katheryn has felt out of place, lost. Under the spotlight of the whole world, the young woman from the countryside, daughter of Christian parents in a city with less than 100,000 inhabitants, feels pressured to be who she is not. And, according to herself, it caused depression and suicidal thoughts in a girl who was always portrayed by her family as “the happiness of home”.
“I want to be Katheryn Hudson so bad that sometimes I don’t even want to look like Katy Perry anymore”, she declared on her Youtube account, last Saturday (10). “I’m a little more nerdy than people think I am, I’m a big goof. The fantasy that Katheryn had went into Katy and made Katy bigger than Katheryn’s personal life.
The singer even wrote songs about these feelings of oppression and anguish, but did not free herself from them. She still often feels that her suffering from her is more than she can bear.
“I wrote a song about suicide,” reports the singer. “I feel ashamed of having these thoughts, I feel bad to this point , depressed to the point of thinking about suicide.”
Depression is not a shame, it’s a disease
Not all the fame, professional success and money made Katheryn feel good about herself. As she herself said, depressive and suicidal thoughts always visit her mind, which makes her ashamed.
Shame, however, should not exist. Depression is a disease that affects more than 350 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. Those suffering from this disease do not always have physical symptoms, but the spiritual symptoms are just as serious, if not more so.
“Depression is not a fatality or a condemnation. Depression is the state of despair of the soul ”, says Bishop Edir Macedo in his blog. For him, this state of despair is worrying, but it can be cured.
“Depression is fear, it is doubt, it is insecurity. It is an eminently spiritual problem. Is there a pill for spiritual problem? It doesn’t exist,” explains the bishop. “You will only solve your spiritual problem by treating it spiritually. It is a question of intelligence, of logic, it has nothing to do with religion”.
According to the bishop, to break free from depression it is necessary to seek help directly from God, without going through religious traditions or dogmas. Seeking Him and strengthening faith in Him brings hope, raises self-esteem, helps to find solutions to problems that, without Him, seem unsolvable.
“I doubt that there is medicine that cures depression, just as I doubt that someone practicing faith in the Word of God is depressed”, concludes the bishop.
If you’re going through a rough patch like Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson aka Katy Perry is going through, don’t buy into the lie that you’re alone. There are many people suffering from depression and many other people wanting to help. Mainly, there is God, ready to show you the way to deliverance.
To help you, every Friday we carry out the Spiritual Cleansing . Click here to find the Help Center closest to you.
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