A Bíblia narra, Ascension of Jesus, Book of Exodus, Christ, Crossing the Red Sea, Divine presence, História da humanidade, tática e resistência,
“The horrible slaughter in the Temple continues. Horrible turmoil. Description of a horrible spectacle. The rebels make such an effort in an attack that they repel the Romans and retreat to the city. When fire devoured the Temple, the furious soldiers looted and killed everyone they encountered. They did not forgive either age or condition. The old and the children, the priests and the laity, were all put to the edge of the sword; everyone was involved in this general slaughter and those who resorted to prayers were not treated with more clemency than those who had the courage to defend themselves to the last; the groans of the dying mingled with the noise of the crackling of the flames, which were always advancing, and the burning of such a large building, located in an elevated place, made those who contemplated it from afar think that the whole city was being devoured by the fires. flames.”
The narrative above is the eyewitness testimony of Flavius Josephus, a Judeo-Roman historian who witnessed the taking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans around the year 70 after Christ (AD). The memories were recorded in his book “Jewish Antiquities”, in the fifth volume, between chapters 27 and 28. We see that the fury of the Romans became uncontrollable in the face of the tactical skill and resistance of the Jews, to the point that they set fire to adjoining buildings to the Second Temple in Jerusalem. This fire spread so far that it consumed the entire city. It was then that the Romans quickly counterattacked.
In May, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), in partnership with the Nature and Parks Authority (NPA), revealed new archaeological evidence of this fateful event in human history .
Between the Pool of Siloam (the same one where the Lord Jesus asked the blind man to wash – see in the Bible John 9) to the entrance of the Second Temple, on the main street ( photo above ), arrows and stone balls ( used by Roman catapults). These weapons stood out during the great siege promoted by the Roman emperor Titus, as the city of Jerusalem was formed by resistant and high walls.
Josephus’ descriptions of the battle are consistent with the scenery found at the excavation site, research directors Nahshon Szanton and Moran Hagbi emphasized to the online newspaper Christian Today . On one side, the Romans threw stone balls with their catapults, and on the other, the Jews promoted stealth attacks with arrows.
The street has not yet been completely investigated by archaeologists and it is expected to discover its real extension and in the future make it an open space for visitors.
UN against Israel
The interesting archaeological discovery comes amid a controversial position taken by the United Nations (UN) on May 2nd: the approval of the resolution that does not confirm Israel’s legal and historical rights over Jerusalem.
Despite numerous archaeological evidence and historical reports confirming the ties of the Jews with Jerusalem, the UN, through the countries that have positioned themselves against Israel, insists on denying this relationship. Brazil, during the voting, was part of the opposing countries.
The Bible narrates that the conquest of Jerusalem by the Jews occurred through King David, during a successful military maneuver against the Jebusites (see in 2 Samuel 5.6,7). Upon conquering it, he made it his capital and housed the Ark of the Covenant – the representation of God here on Earth. His son Solomon built the First Temple there, which became known as Solomon’s Temple.
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