O que o chinês de cabelos congelados pode nos ensinar

If you are present on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter…), it is almost certain that, in recent days, the image of a Chinese child with frozen hair has reached you. That boy is Wang Fuman, only eight years old, and his fame is due to something moving: he spares no effort to learn.

Wang lives in the countryside of a small Chinese town, Zhaotong. To go to school, every day the boy walks almost five kilometers, a journey that lasts approximately an hour and a half. The difficulty is even greater when winter arrives in the region. During this period Wang takes his walk facing a cold that reaches minus nine degrees Celsius.

Unfortunately, until a few days ago, when the image went viral, Wang did not have adequate clothing to withstand such cold weather. The boy didn’t even have gloves, and even so, he never missed class. Moved by the boy’s plight, a teacher took pictures and uploaded them to The Paper, a popular site in the region.

Since the image gained internet fame, Wang has been given some clothes and the school has received equipment for indoor heating, which it did not have before. According to the Chinese newspaper South China Morning Post, Wang’s father, who works in another city and, therefore, goes months without seeing his own son (he lives with his grandmother and sister, as his mother abandoned him), received a job offer in Zhaotong.

Perseverance: the foundation of victory

“Those who want to do it, those who don’t want to make excuses.” Wang Fuman is proof that the saying is true. The boy knows he needs to go to school and wants to learn, so he faces and overcomes all the obstacles that stand in his way. Unfortunately, not all people act this way.

How many people give up on their goals, no matter how simple they are, because they believe they are unable to achieve them? In the face of the smallest barrier, do you get discouraged and accept defeat? Answer sincerely: in the place of Wang Fuman, would you go to school every day?

According to Bishop Renato Cardoso, discouragement in the face of obstacles is the result of the voice of the devil that resounds in man’s head. To give up is to surrender to the will of the evil one:

“The devil puts the thought of giving up in the minds of many of you, of many of us, making you look at the setbacks, the difficult things that are happening. You took one step forward, two steps forward, and suddenly you take ten steps back. Then the devil says: see? There is no other way, you better give up soon”.

Man, however, cannot heed that voice. You have to move forward, regardless of the problems that arise. This is true for both intellectual goals (like Wang Fuman wanting to go to school) and material goals (like getting the job you want) or spiritual goals (like standing firm in the presence of God). “The only guarantee the devil has that he will overcome those who are God’s is if those who are God’s give up the fight. Because, while we persevere, while we keep walking, looking ahead, following the path of our target, which is Salvation, mainly, he knows that he cannot stop us. He can attack, he can try to put obstacles in the way, but he cannot stop us, ”says the bishop.

Many people miss the meeting because it is raining or because it is too sunny. They stop reading the Bible because they arrived tired at night or because they don’t have time in the morning. They invent pretexts to distance themselves from God and end up believing in these pretexts. Over time, they begin to believe that the devil is right, believing that they are incapable of persevering until reaching the established goals.

“When people give up, they also give up dreaming, they give up making plans because they start to live one day after another. And she gets into that idea that what will be will be. Don’t let this happen to you”, concludes the bishop.

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