Fãs de “Guerra nas Estrelas” criam nova religião

criado para controlar, uma filosofia nova, uso da inteligência,

"Star Wars" Fans Create New Religion

According to the British government, being a Jedi Knight is not being a religious person, thus, so-called Jediism is not recognized as a religion in England. The determination is from the Charity Commission, the government body responsible for registering and supervising charitable associations and religious entities. The decision displeased the almost 200,000 fans residing in the United Kingdom.

Jediism is a new philosophy , considered by its followers to be a religion. It was born in 2001, when the United Kingdom held a census for the first time asking the religion of its citizens. In that sense, almost 400 thousand people accepted the “joke” of answering that they believed in the Force of the jedi knights, like the characters in the “Star Wars” movies. From then on, some people decided to take religion seriously and, in the 2011 census, 177,000 Jedi were registered. Today they are spread across several countries.

According to Temple of the Jedi Order, as the Church is called, this is “a religion based on the observation of the Force, a metaphysical and omnipresent power that a Jedi (a follower of Jediism) believes to be the underlying and fundamental nature of the universe.”

The Charity Commission disagrees. For them, the Jedi Order does not have the necessary spiritual concepts to be considered a religion nor does it bring benefits to the community, as a religion should.

What is your religion?

“First of all, I want to make it very clear: I am a vehement defender of people’s freedom to worship and worship whoever or whatever they want. Want to worship stone? Go ahead. Is your religion science? Feel free. Is your god the devil? Good luck. You are free. This is how God (which I believe, the one in the Bible) created him”, says speaker Renato Cardoso in his blog. “Religion is a product of the human mind. A dream, a vision, a ‘special revelation’, a self-appointed leader — that’s usually how a religion starts. A system is created to control people and make them enter the religious carousel, where they go around.”

According to Renato’s explanation, God never created a religion. They were born by the hands and minds of men who sought to hinder communion with the Lord. Dogmas and superstitions were born with the promise of bringing people closer to God , but in fact, they keep them further and further away from Him.

Religions “don’t want you to know God – because the day you get to know Him personally, you will realize that religions don’t know Him. That is why it is in their interest to make God as mysterious, unreachable and incomprehensible as possible”, says the speaker.

Many people, including in Brazil, have become followers of Jediism. They believe that placing their faith in this belief can make them happier. However, one thing is certain: it is not faith that these people lack, but the use of intelligence . “If faith walks without intelligence, it becomes fanaticism. If intelligence walks without faith, it becomes atheism.

Do you think Jediism should be recognized as a religion? Leave your opinion in the comments .


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