Desculpas x forca de vontade

hora do jogo, notificação do Facebook, para a sua realidade,

The image that opens this article is an example that, when a person wants to do something, he finds a way. This is one of the many photos that were taken during the football game played between the Buffalo Bills and Indianapolis Colts, on December 10th.

The match took place under incessant rain and snow, which started before the time of the game and only ended after it ended. Even so, the teams fulfilled their role as professionals. The surprise was precisely due to the crowd, which, without being paid to attend, filled the Bills’ stadium, with exactly 60,222 fans present.

The temperature in the city of Buffalo (New York, United States) that afternoon remained between -3ºC and -5ºC. As it is an open stadium, the thermal sensation in the place varied between -5.1ºC and -10.3ºC.

“This is amazing. It’s the worst situation with snow that I can remember”, wrote journalist Sal Maionara, who worked on the match, on his Twitter account. “Given the snow accumulation on these people, I just hope they’re still alive.”

At the end of the day, no incidents were recorded due to the temperature and snow at the start. Those who really wanted to go to the stadium went and saw a rare spectacle. The question remains:

If you want to do something, what can stop you?

Now, bring this situation into your reality : do you really have the willpower to seek God?

“I don’t go to church today because it’s raining.”

“I don’t go to the Sunday morning meeting because I slept too late on Saturday.”

“Today I don’t go to church because the sun is burning.”

“Today I don’t have a car, I’m not going to the meeting.”

The reasons for missing the commitment established with God are countless, but, in fact, most of them are just excuses.

As Bishop Júlio Freitas explains in his blog, many “before considering the things of God, consider their own daily tasks, their own desires, possessions, problems or unresolved situations. They are those who value God only when they need or are interested in obtaining some blessing, disregarding Him as a Person.”

For those who want to miss the meeting, any small task becomes an unavoidable commitment. People often choose to dedicate themselves to real waste of time, instead of dedicating themselves to God.

It is necessary to understand who the receiver of our time is. For example: a person who spends hours visiting social networks or surfing the internet is a person who is directing his days to something, almost always unproductive. After all, what do you get for checking every Facebook or Instagram notification?

The same happens with those who become addicted to television, magazines, games, etc. These receptors are consuming all their time, that precious time that could be given to God to obtain positive results through faith.

That’s why it’s so important to reevaluate your behavior honestly.

Bishop Júlio Freitas directs readers to answer the following questions:

“List your priorities in order: God? His family? Your job? When you go to church: Are you just ‘body present’? Actively participate? Listen and practice?”

If you are struggling to gain the willpower to live a healthier life physically and spiritually, or if you need spiritual support in addition to the medical treatment you may be receiving, join our Restored Health meeting . Every Tuesday at your local Help Center .

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