Cantora Sinead O’Connor está deprimida e sozinha

depender de Deus, Minha vida inteira, programas de rádio e televisão,

“I’m all alone,” singer Sinead O’Connor declared on her Facebook earlier this month. My whole life revolves around just not dying and that’s not living.”

The 50-year-old woman, who just over two decades ago was considered one of the greatest talents in music, today cries desperately because she lives in a hotel, abandoned by her family and suffering from her mental illnesses.

“There is no one in my life other than my doctor, my psychiatrist, the sweetest man in the world, who says I’m his hero, and that’s the only thing keeping me alive right now. And that’s kind of pathetic,” laments O’Connor.

From glorious future to forgotten in the past

Sinead O’Connor debuted in music in 1987, and her first album sold millions of copies. In a short time, she came to be considered the singer with the most promising future in pop music worldwide. She won several awards, including the important Grammy, Billboard and Brit Awards, but saw her career go down the drain by awakening hatred in many people.

On October 3, 1992, Sinead participated in one of the most watched television programs in the world, Saturday Night Live. As a form of protest, she performed the song “War”, by Bob Marley and, when she sang the words “evil”, she tore up a photo of the then Pope John Paul II. At the end of the song she declared: “Fight the real enemy.”

The protest was against the numerous rapes committed by pedophile priests who were covered up by the Catholic Church. However, the Catholics, revolted, began to boycott Sinead.

The singer was booed countless times, radio and television programs stopped showing her songs and countless death threats and assaults were made to Sinead. After that October 3, the singer’s career never consolidated again.

According to her, the decline of her career as a result of that episode helped to aggravate three mental disorders she suffers from, including bipolar disorder.

“Mental illness, you know, is a bit like drugs,” Sinead declared during the Facebook video. “The stigma makes them not care who you are. Suddenly the people who are supposed to love and care for you are treating you like crap.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, after the video of Sinead O’Connor went viral on the internet, many people called the authorities informing the location where she was. To prevent something tragic from happening, such as suicide, the singer was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in New Jersey (USA), where she has lived for two years.

No need to be alone

Sinead claims to have been abandoned by her family, including her four children, because she suffered from mental illness. Her health condition is so serious that several times she posted, on her social networks, messages that made reference to suicide.

Like her, millions of others suffer from abandonment or depression. Each one has their reasons, but almost all come to believe that taking their own life is the solution to ending suffering. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cases of depression have increased by 20% in the last decade, reaching today about 322 million people worldwide.

“What is a depression? ”, asks Bishop Edir Macedo, founder and leader of Universal. “A depression is a spirit of doubt. But when you have the Spirit of Faith, the spirit of doubt doesn’t even come close… Because faith is the divine flame within us that burns all evil.

As the bishop explains, God taught man to live by faith precisely so that worldly anguish and pain would not dominate humanity. Through the life presented by God, it is possible to find peace, getting rid of the obstacles that evil places in the path of man.

“When a person manifests faith in God, he becomes dependent on God. When you stop depending on God, you stop depending on faith and, consequently, you lose”, explains the bishop.

Sinead O’Connor, for example, is desperate because her own family has not cared for her for years. But, for the bishop, those who depend exclusively on God live well thanks to His Word and His Love.

“How many people are listening to me at this moment lost, disoriented, not knowing what to do?”, asks the bishop. “When a person lives by faith, he doesn’t have that doubt. […] She is not undefined like most people. She knows what it is. Because it depends on faith, it depends on God.

Depression is a serious illness, capable of killing. Currently, it is the disease that most causes other diseases and invalidates people in the world. Don’t let the same happen to you. Get closer to God and discover your faith.

“Don’t live dependent on anyone. Think big, think strong, think by faith, live in dependence on God”, concludes the bishop.

To find out how to use your faith and get rid of the spiritual problems that have been affecting your life, attend the Spiritual Cleansing meeting , which is held every Friday at your local Help Center .

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