Eu sou confiante, isso me faz ser bonita, mulheres do mundo,
Siera Bearchell is originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, and lately, she has been called “fat” on the internet.
After gaining visibility representing her country in the Miss Universe contest, held on January 29th, hundreds of insulting messages were posted on the girl’s social networks, including journalists, stating that she does not fit the beauty standard necessary for a miss.
“I’m confident and that makes me beautiful . When you call me lazy, fat and mediocre, what are you saying to all the women in the world?” – Asked Siera, on her Instagram. For her, Miss Universe is no longer the ‘beauty pageant’ it used to be. “Miss Universe’s mission is to provide tools for women to achieve their best and use those skills to serve others. That’s exactly what I’m doing, and I’m not going to be brought down by cheap negativity. In fact, the negativity just fuels my fire to keep working on a platform that so clearly needs progress,” she added.
The behavior of so many people who criticize Siera for her body shape reflects the unfair pressure that society has placed on women around the world . Magazines, movies, soap operas, forget that each body has its particularities and demand that everyone be equal, even if for that women need to submit to poor health.
“People have asked me if I changed my body to champion a cause. No. Our lives are fast-paced, dynamic and ever-changing. So our bodies are like that too. To be honest, I’ve restricted my food consumption in past contests and felt miserable, guilty and never felt good enough. No matter how little I ate and how much weight I lost, I constantly compared myself to others and felt like I could lose more. My mental perception did not correspond to the physical body I saw in the mirror. There were days where I ate a protein bar, worked out for 4 hours and struggled to sleep because I was so hungry,” said Siera.
Writer and speaker Cristiane Cardoso, author of the book “A Mulher V”, recalls that many women ignore the fact that a thin body is not always a healthy body.
“In today’s world, any fat that stands out anywhere on the body is seen as the woman’s number 1 enemy”, says Cristiane. “By the way, I thought it was the height of the storm when I found out that today there are thin people on a diet to eliminate the fat that accumulates between their organs. We are called ‘fake skinny’ because we have body fat.”
Siera Bearchell ranked among the nine finalists in the contest. She stated: “My body is not naturally thin and that’s okay. I am healthy. I’m in shape. I’m confident . I’m me. This is who I am now and I’m fine with it. My friends , remember that true beauty and validation come from within.”
“If you want to feel good about yourself, learn to love yourself the way you are. That’s what I did”, says Cristiane.
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