Adriano O Imperador conta como o álcool e a depressão o venceram

buscar ajuda em Deus, carreiras mais promissoras, com bebidas alcoólicas, qualquer outro jogador,

In 2017, it will be 12 years since Adriano Leite Ribeiro, known as “The Emperor”, was elected the top scorer in the world. That year, Adriano had scored more goals for the Brazilian national team than any other player for his national team.

It was also in 2005 that he won the most important championship of his life, the Confederations Cup, in addition to taking home the Italian Championship cup, the Italian Cup and the Italian Super Cup. All this at the age of 22.

At that time, he already had ten professional titles under his belt and emerged as one of the athletes with the most promising future in the world. In 2004, he was voted the 6th best in the world, and in 2005, the 5th best.

“Adriano will make history in Brazilian football. He is strong, left-handed, talented. He is a striker for the next three World Cups”, declared the then coach of the Brazilian National Team, Carlos Alberto Parreira.

Unfortunately, Parreira’s prediction did not come true.

The Fall of the Emperor

It was in that same year that Adriano fell into depression, missing his father, who had died the year before. Feeling lonely, he further isolated himself from other people and tried to quell the pain with alcoholic beverages .

“My father’s death left a huge hole in my life”, the player told journalist Cosme Rímoli. “I found myself alone, sad, depressed in Italy. I started drinking; I just felt happy drinking. There were parties every night. And he drank whatever was in front of him: wine, whiskey, vodka, beer… a lot of beer. The situation got out of control. I could only sleep drinking. I would wake up and not even know where I was.”

Consequently, the star’s career went into decline. Afraid of wasting time in training, Adriano would go to his team’s Training Center still drunk. Instead of training, he used the time to sleep in the medical department. The team lied to the press that he had muscle pain.

Everyone tried to help Adriano: coach, player friends, manager. But his pain increased, damaging his professional life and making him suffer more and more. It was a vicious circle.

“The situation got worse. I was suffering a lot, I began to disbelieve even in God, to whom I am very attached. ‘God does not exist’, I would say. Sometimes I thought that if I wanted to make my family cry and suffer, I would rather leave”, recalls the former Emperor.

Consuming a lot of alcohol and thinking that it would be better to die than to cause suffering to his family, Adriano even played in Brazil for São Paulo, Corinthians and Flamengo – in the latter he was champion –, but he was always involved in controversies. He ended and resumed his career several times. In the end, he entered the list of the most promising players who did not achieve everything they could.

reinforcement to the spirit

Alcohol addiction is just as dangerous as illicit drug addiction. He is capable of destroying even the most promising and consistent careers . Even if alcohol momentarily seems to ward off problems, such as Adriano’s depression, he will never be able to defeat them definitively.

Therefore, it is important to be careful not to fall into this trap. On Bishop Edir Macedo’s blog, writer Renato Cardoso states: “If you:

– Is strong, but has been weak in the face of a situation;

– He’s smart, but he’s been doing a lot of stupid things;

– Is determined, but has had many doubts;

– Is successful in business, but failed in love;

– Has everything to be happy, but lives in deep depression;

– You know that addictions are killing you, but you can’t let them…

The solution lies in strengthening your spirit, through your connection with the Spirit of the Creator.”

Depression indicates a spiritual problem and, to solve it, it is necessary to seek help from God . Only strengthening faith can heal a person in this situation, not alcohol or any other drug.

Don’t wait for your life to be destroyed by addiction to seek help. Participate in the Treatment of Addictions, every Monday and overcome your problems.

Date: Every Sunday
Time: 3pm
Location: Rainbow Theater only

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